I have a variety of services on offer that can suit a wide range of needs. Below is a summary list of what is available however these can be altered to accommodate your needs more accurately.  If required I can provide MUA’s and Models (Both Male and Female) on request for certain assignments.


IMPORTANT NOTE:  Please be aware that I will not do any "Body Alteration" editing in Photoshop under any circumstances.  While I process my images to get the best "look" with regards to colour, contrast, light and shadow and certain textures I will push back against any request to force my work to adhere to damaging and unhealthy body standards.


Beauty/ Portrait Photography:  Sometimes considered the "Catch All" Photography service, Portrait sessions are away of capturing you, your family, your pets (or your car?) in a simple yet elegant way.

Headshot Packages:  Headshots are important to a lot of different types of people;  Business Owners, Musicians, Athletes and Actors.  A Headshot should represent you as pure as you can be, giving out your best possible face (pun intended) in whatever context it’s being used.  

Why are Headshot Sessions different from normal session shoots or portraits?  Headshots Sessions are a few hours intensive shooting and coaching to get one specific type of shot or group of shots for you, the client, to use to make the best impression you can visually.  The images shot are given an extra level of attention in post-editing to ensure the highest level of quality for your needs.  I want you to walk away with something that will perform for you in exactly the way you need it to, whether you are trying to make an impression on a casting team, adding to your business marketing material or spicing up your online profile.

Headshots are something I am very passionate about and I hope that passion translates into something you will love.  To me it's not about what a person is wearing.

Event Coverage:  Whether it's a Family gathering, a Wedding, a Concert or a Sporting Event.  Having someone there to make sure the important moments are captured is always worthwhile.  All my event packages are tailored to the specific needs of the client so that you only pay for what you need, with extras services offered as an option so you can customise your package.

Personal/ Company Branding:  EPK (Electronic Press Kit) Images for Company Promotion and Social Presence, including Profile Pictures, Cover Images and Blog Material.

Image Retouching:  All of my work receives a certain degree of careful retouching/ editing to ensure style and quality are consistent for all clients, however under certain circumstances you may want a little more shine on your end product.  In that event I am able to send images out to a professional and dedicated retoucher to give your images that extra level of polish.  

If you decide that this is something you are interested in please make sure you let me as early as possible so that the cost of this can be factored in and to limit any delays in receiving your final images.  Retouching costs will vary depending on number of images and level of Retouching/ Editing and will require a separate deposit amount added to your quote.



Event Coverage:  Whether it's a Family gathering, a Wedding, a Concert or a Sporting Event.  Having someone there to make sure the important moments are captured is always worthwhile.  All my event packages are tailored to the specific needs of the client so that you only pay for what you need, with extras services offered as an option so you can customise your package.

Personal/ Company Branding:  EPK (Electronic Press Kit) Images for Company Promotion and Social Presence, including Profile Videos, Cover Images and Blog Material.



Please contact me for more information on the services above or for a specific quote.