Have something to say? Have something to ask? Get in touch!


Use this form to fire me a message about anything you like whether is a random query, if you're looking to hire me or if you are interested in Licensing some of my work for something.

I try and answer messages as soon as possible but please be aware I can be quite busy some days and it may take some time for me to respond to you.  Everyone's time is important and I appreciate the time you spent sending me a message.

As with everything these days people get a little worried about spam and such.  I promise to never use your email (or other details provided) for anything other than contacting you regarding specific enquiries you have made or work that has been done on your behalf, and to never give your Email Address or other contact details to third parties for ANY reason.  I really hate it when that happens.

Looking forward to hearing from you soon!

- Stu